Extracts from the Irish Annals 657 to 698
Extracts from the Irish Annals 657 to 698
657 AD – The first year of Diarmaid and Blathmac, two sons of Aedh Slaine, son of Diarmaid, son of Fearghus Cerrbheoil, in the sovereignty of Ireland.
660 AD – A battle was gained at Ogamhain, at Ceann Corbadain, by the people of Diarmaid, son of Aedh Slaine, namely, Onchu, son of Saran, Maelmilchon, and Cathasach, son of Eimhin, over Blathmac, son of Aedh Slaine, in which were slain Conaing, son of Conall, son of Aedh Slaine; Ulltan, son of Ernaine, chief of Cianachta; Ceannfaeladh, son of Geirtidi, chief of Cianachta Arda; and Faelchu, son of Maelumha.
Also in this year Maenach, son of Finghin, King of Munster, died. Maelduin, son of Furadhran, chief of Durlas, died. Maelfuataigh, son of Ernaine, chief of Cianachta, was slain.
664 AD – After Diarmaid and Blathmac, the two sons of Aedh Slaine, had been eight years in the sovereignty of Ireland, they died of the same plague, called the Buidhe Connail, which killed a number of venerable saints and thousands of people. Seachnasach, son of Blathmac, became the new sovereign of Ireland.
665 AD – Maelcaeich, son of Scannal, chief of the Cruithne of Dal Araidhe of the race of Ir, died; Eochaidh Iarlaidh, King of the Cruithne, also died! Maelduin, son of Scannal, chief of Cinel Coirbre, died. Duibhinnreacht, son of Dunchadh, chief of Ui Briuin, died. Faelan, son of Colman, King of Leinster, died.
666 AD – The battle of Aine, between the Aradha and Ui Fidhgeinte, where Eoghan, son of Crunnmael, was slain. In this year Bran Finn, son of Maelochtraigh, chief of the Deisi of Munster, was slain.
668 AD – Maelfothartaigh, son of Suibhne, chief of Cinel Tuirtre, died. In the following year Bran Finn, son of Maelochtraigh, chief of Deisi Mumhan died.
669 AD – After Seachnasach, son of Blathmac, had been five years in sovereignty over Ireland, he was slain by Dubhduin, chief of Cinel Cairbre. He was succeeded by Ceannfaeladh, son of Blathmac, in the sovereignty of Ireland.
670 AD – Dungal, son of Maeltuile, chief of Cinel Boghaine, was slain by Loingseach, son of Aenghus, chief of Cinel Conaill. Two year later Scannlan, son of Fingin, chief of Ui Meith, died.
673 AD – After Ceannfaeladh, son of Blathmac, son of Diarmaid, had been four years in the sovereignty of Ireland, he was slain by Finnachta Fleadhach, in the battle of Aircealtair, at Tigh Ua Maine. He was succeeded by Finnachta Fleadhach, son of Dunchadh, in sovereignty over Ireland.
678 AD – Fianamhail, son of Maeltuile, King of Leinster, was mortally wounded by Foicseachan, one of his own people, at the instigation of Finshneachta Fleadhach.
679 AD – Dunghal, son of Scannal, chief of the Cruithni, and Ceannfaeladh, son of Suibhne, chief of Cianachta Glinne Geimhin, were burned by Maelduin, son of Maelfithrigh, at Dun Ceithirn.
680 AD – Ceannfaeladh, son of Colgan, King of Connaught, was slain. Ulcha Dearg Redbeard Ua Caillidhe, one of the Conmaicne Cuile, was the person that killed him. The battle of Rath Mor Maighe Line was gained over the Britons, wherein were slain Cathasach, son of Maelduin, chief of the Cruithni Dal Araidhe, and Ultan, son of Dicolla.
683 – The devastation of Magh Breagh, both churches and territories, by the North Saxons, in the month of June precisely; and they carried off with them many hostages from every place which they left, throughout Magh Breagh, together with many other spoils, and afterwards went to their ships.
Also.. Breasal, son of Fearghus, chief of Cobha, died.
686 AD – The battle of Imleach Phich was fought by Niall, son of Cearnach Sotal, against Congalach, son of Conaing, wherein were slain Dubhdainbher, chief of Ard Cianachta, and Uaircridhe Ua Oisene, chief of Conaille Muirtheimhne; and the battle was afterwards gained over Congalach.
689 AD – Fearghus, son of Lodan, King of Ulidia, was slain by the Ui Eachdhach people of Iveagh.
693 AD – After Finachta Fleadhach, son of Dunchadh, had been twenty years in the sovereignty of Ireland, he was slain by Aedh, son of Dluthach, son of Ailill, son of Aedh Slaine, chief of Feara Cul, and Congalach, son of Conaing, son of Congal, son of Aedh Slaine, in a battle at Greallach Dollaith. Breasal, son of Finachta, also fell in this battle along with his father. Finachta was succeeded by Loingseach, son of Aenghus, in the sovereignty of Ireland.
694 AD – Fearghal Aidhne, King of Connaught, died; he was the son of Guaire Aidhne.
695 AD – The devastation of Magh Muirtheimhne by the Britons and Ulidians.
696 AD – A battle was fought at Tulach Garraisg, in Fearnmhagh, wherein were slain Conchobhar Macha, son of Maelduin, chief of the Airtheara Oriors, and Aedh Aired, chief of Dal Araidhe.
698 AD – Fianamhail Ua Dunchadha, chief of Dal Riada, and Flann, son of Ceannfaeladh, son of Suibhne, chief of Cinel Eoghain, were slain. Aurthuile Ua Crunnmaeil, chief of Cinel Eoghain, was driven from his chieftainry into Britain.