Extracts from the Irish Annals 900 to 956
Extracts from the Irish Annals 900 to 956
900 – Viking fleet moor at Lough Neagh.
902 – The Irish drive the Vikings from Dublin into North Wales.
908 – Eirík Bloodaxe, son of King Haraldr Harfagra of Norway, is a noted Viking raider.
914 – A second round of intensified Viking raids begin.
914 – A great sea fleet arrives at Waterford and more in 915.
917 – Vikings defeat the Irish at Dublin and regain control.
917 – The Leinstermen suffer defeat at the hands of the Vikings.
919 – Niall Glundub and the cream of the Ui Neill fall at the Battle of Dublin.
922 – Vikings establish a colony on an island at what is now Limerick.
926 – Muirchertach MacNeill defeats Alptham’s Viking forces near Annagassan.
952 – St. Mullins monastery is plundered by a fleet under Lairic.
955 – The second and final period of Viking raids ends. An estimated total of about 43 raids are recorded during the entire Viking period in Ireland.
968 – Ívarr of Limerick is driven out of Ireland by King Mathgamhain of Munster.
969 – Ívarr returns to Limerick and re-establishes his rule on the larger islands of the Shannon.
916 AD – After Flann Sionna had been forty years in the sovereignty of Ireland he was succeeded by Niall Glundubh (“Black Knee”), son of Aedh Finnliath.
919 AD – After Niall Glundubh, son of Aedh Finnliath had been three years in the sovereignty of Ireland he was succeeded by Donnchadh, son of Flann Sinna of the Southern Ui Neill. Niall was slain fighting the Danes at the Battle of Dublin in 919.
944 – After Donnchadh had been twenty five years in the sovereignty of Ireland he was succeeded by Congalach Cnogba, son of Máel Mithig.
956 – After Congalach had been twelve years in the sovereignty of Ireland he was succeeded by Domhnall Ardmacha Ua Niall, son of Muircheartach “na G-Cochaill Criceann” Ua Niall.