Extracts from the Irish Annals 700 to 798
Extracts from the Irish Annals 700 to 798
700 AD – Muireadhach of Magh Aei, King of Connaught, son of Fearghus, from whom are the Sil Muireadhaigh, died.
701 AD – After Loingseach, son of Aenghus, son of Domhnall, had been eight years in the sovereignty of Ireland, he was slain in the battle of Corann, by Ceallach of Loch Cime, the son of Raghallach. There were slain also his three sons along with him, Artghal, Connachtach, and Flann Gearg. There were also slain there the two sons of Colcen, and Dubhdibhearg, son of Dunghal, and Fearghus Forcraith, and Conall Gabhra, and other noblemen besides them. Loingseach was succeeded by Congal of Ceann Maghair, son of Fearghus of Fanaid, in sovereignty over Ireland.
702 AD – A battle was fought at Claen Ath by Ceallach Cualann, against Fogartach Ua Cearnaigh, who was afiterwards King of Ireland, wherein Bodhbhchadh of Meath, son of Diarmaid, was slain, and Fogartach was defeated.
705 ad – Inreachtach, son of Dunchadh Muirisce, King of the tripartite Connaught, was slain by Fearghal, son of Maelduin, and Fearghal, son of Loingseach, son of Aenghus, and Conall Meann, chief of Cinel Cairbre. In this year The battle of Leathairbhe was gained by Congal, son of Fearghus Fanad, over the Cinel Eoghain, where Maelduin, son of Maelfithrigh, Lord of the Cinel Eoghain, was slain.
706 – Cucuaran, King of the Cruithni and of Ulidia, was killed by Finnchu hUa Ronain.
708 AD – After Congal of Ceann Maghair, son of Fearghus Fanad, had been seven years in the sovereignty of Ireland, he died of one hour’s sickness. He was succeeded by Fearghal, son of Maelduin, son of Maelfithrigh, in sovereignty over Ireland.
710 AD – The battle of Carn Fearadhaigh by the northern Des, wherein Cormac, son of Finghin, King of Munster, was slain.
712 AD- A battle was fought between the two sons of Beg Boirche and the sons of Breasal, chiefs of Ui Eathach Uladh Iveagh; and the victory was gained over the sons of Breasal.
713 AD – Murchadh, son of Diarmaid, son of Airmeadhach Caech, chief of Ui Neill of Clann Colmain, was slain by Conall Grant Ua Cearnaigh.
717 AD – A battle was fought between the Connaughtmen and the Corca Baiscinn, wherein the son of Talamhnaigh was slain.
718 AD – After Fearghal, son of Maelduin, son of Maelfithrigh, had been ten years in sovereignty over Ireland, he was slain in the battle of Almhain, by Dunchadh, son of Murchadh, and Aedh, son of Colgan, an heir presumptive to the sovereignty. The number which the race of Conn brought to this battle was twenty one thousand, and the number brought by the Leinstermen was nine thousand.
The following were the chieftains and leaders of Leath Chuinn who fell in this battle together with Fearghal: Conall Menn, chief of Cinel Cairbre; Forbasach, chief of Cinel Boghaine; Fearghal Ua Aitheachdae; Fearghal, son of Eochaidh Leamhna, chief of Tamhnach; Connalach, son of Conaing; and Egnech, son of Colgan, chief of the Airthera (the Oriors); Coibhdeanach, son of Fiachra; Muirghius, son of Conall; Leathaitheach, son of Concarat; Anmchaidh, son of Concharat; Aedhgen Ua Mathghamhnae; Nuada, son of Eirc, chief of Gull and Irgull; and ten of the race of Maelfithrigh. These were the losses of the chieftains and leaders of the North. The losses of the South were: Flann, son of Raghallach; Aileall, son of Fearadhach; Suibhne, son of Congalach; Aedh Laighean Ua Cearnaigh; Nia, son of Cormac; Dubhdachrich, son of Dubhdainbher; Aileall, son of Conall Grant; Flaitheamhail, son of Dluthach; Fearghus Ua Eoghain. One hundred and sixty of Fearghal’s satellites, and numbers of others, were slain besides these nobles. Nine was the number of persons that died with panic and lunacy from this battle. Seven thousand was the number that fell on both sides between them. Inrachtach, son of Dunchadh Muirisce, King of Connaught, died in that battle of Almhain, if true.
719 AD – Fogartach, son of Niall, son of Cearnach Sotal, was in the sovereignty of Ireland this year, until he fell in the battle of Delgean, by Cinaeth, son of Irgalach. He was succeeded by Cinaeth, son of Irgalach, son of Conaing Cuirri, in the sovereignty of Ireland. The next year Ulidia was taken possession of by Cinaeth, son of Congalach.
721 AD – The battle of Druim Fornocht was fought by Flaithbheartach, son of Loingseach, and the Cinel Conaill, against Aedh Allan, son of Fearghal, and the Cinel Eoghain. Aedh Allan was defeated. These chieftains were slain on the side of Aedh, namely Flann, son of Erthaile, and Snedgus Dearg Ua Brachaidhe.
722 AD – After Cinaeth, son of Irgalach, had been three years in sovereignty over Ireland, he fell in the battle of Druim Corcrain, by Flaithbheartach, son of Loingseach. Flaithbheartach, son of Loingseach, son of Aenghus, succeeded in sovereignty over Ireland.
727 AD – A battle was fought between Aedh, son of Fearghal, and the Cinel Conaill, at Magh Itha, where Conaing, son of Congal, son of Fearghus, and many others of the Cinel Eoghain, were slain. The following year a battle was fought in Magh Itha, between the sons of Loingseach, son of Aenghus, and the sons of Fearghal, son of Maelduin, where numbers of the Cinel Eoghain were slain.
728 AD – Flaithbheartach sent for a marine fleet of Dal Riada to Ireland, and on their arrival they made no delay till they arrived in Inis hOinae; and there was a battle fought between Flaithbheartach with his guards and the Cianachta, and others of the Ulidians and the Cinel Eoghain; and a countless number of the Ulidians, Cinel Eoghain, and Cianachta, were cut off, together with Conchubhar, son of Loichene, and Branchu, son of Bran; and a countless number of them was drowned in the Banna, after their having been defeated.
Also… Taichleach son of Cenn Faeladh, Lord of Luigne, died. And Reachtabhra grandson of Cathasach, Lord of Ui Thuirtre, died.
729 AD – After Flaithbheartach, son of Loingseach, son of Aenghus, had been seven years in the sovereignty of Ireland, he died at Ard Macha Armagh, having resigned his kingdom for a monastic life. He was succeeded by Aedh Allan, son of Fearghal, son of Maelduin, over Ireland.
730 AD – The battle of Bealach Ele was fought between Cathal, son of Finguine, King of Munster, and the Leinstermen, where many of the Leinstermen were slain. There fell of the Munstermen here Ceallach, son of Faelchair, chief of Osraighe (Ossory), and the two sons of Cormac, son of Rossa, chief of the Deisi, with three thousand along with them.
Also in this year Airechtach, grandson of Dunchadh Muirsce, chief of Ui Fiachrach, died.
732 AD – A battle was fought between two parties of the race of Aedh Slaine, wherein Cathal, son of Aedh was slain, on the east side of Lic Ailbhe, by Conaing, son of Amhalgaidh.
Also.. The battle of Fochart, in Magh Muirtheimhne was fought by Aedh Allan and the Clanna Neill of the North, against the Ulidians, where Aedh Roin, King of Ulidia, was slain; and his head was cut off on Cloch An Chommaigh, in the doorway of the church of Fochard; and Conchadh, son of Cuanach, chief of Cobha, was also slain, and many others along with him. The cause of this battle was the profanation of Cill Cunna by Ua Seghain, one of the people of Aedh Roin, of which Aedh Roin himself said: `I will not take its Conn from Tairr,’ for Ceall Cunna and Ceall Tairre are side by side.
Also.. Fiangalach, son of Murchadh, chief of Ui Mail, died.
733 AD – Aedh Allan, King of Ireland, assembled the forces of Leath Chuinn, to proceed into Leinster; and he arrived at Ath Seanaith. The Leinstermen collected the greatest number they were able, to defend his right against him. A fierce battle was fought between them. The king, Aedh Allan himself; went into the battle, and the chieftains of the North along with him. The chieftains of Leinster came with their kings into the battle; and bloodily and heroically was the battle fought between them both. Heroes were slaughtered, and bodies were mutilated. Aedh Allan, and Aedh, son of Colgan, King of Leinster, met each other in single combat; and Aedh, son of Colgan, was slain by Aedh Allan. The Leinstermen were killed, slaughtered, cut off, and dreadfully exterminated, in this battle, so that there escaped of them but a small remnant, and a few fugitives. The following were the leaders and chieftains of the Leinstermen who fell, namely: Aedh, son of Colgan, King of Ui Ceinnsealaigh; Bran Beg, son of Murchadh, the second king who was over the Leinstermen; Fearghus, son of Maenach, and Dubhdacrich, two lords of Fotharta; the son of Ua Ceallaigh; the son of Trian; Fiangalach Ua Maeleaithgin; Conall Ua Aithechdai; the four sons of Flann Ua Conghaile; Eladhach Ua Maeluidhir; and many others, whom it would be tedious to enumerate. The people of Leath Chuinn were joyous after this victory, for they had wreaked their vengeance and their animosity upon the Leinstermen. Nine thousand was the number of them that was slain.
734 – Ailill, son of Tuathal, Lord of Ui Crimhthainn, died.
737 – The devastation of Cinel Fiachach and of Dealbhna by the Osraighe. In the same year Flann Feorna, Lord of Corc Modhruadh, died. Also, Artrach, son of Aitheachda, Lord of Ui Meith, died.
738 – Aedh Allan, son of Maelduin, fell in the battle of Magh Seirigh (i.e. Ceanannus), between the two Teabhthas, by Domhnall, son of Murchadh, after having been nine years in the sovereignty of Ireland. There were also slain in the same battle Cumascach, son of Conchubhar, Lord of the Airtheara (the Oriors); Maenach, son of Connalach, Lord of Ui Creamhthainn; and Muireadhach, son of Fearghus Forcraidh, Lord of Ui Tuirtre.
In the same year Dubhdothra, Lord of Ui Briuin Cualann, was mortally wounded.
739 AD – The first year of Domhnall, son of Murchadh, son of Diarmaid, over Ireland; he was the first king of the Clann Colmain.
742 AD – Aedh Muindearg, son of Flaithbheartach, lord of Tuaisceart, died. Also Seachnasach, son of Colgan, King of South Leinster, died. Also Dunlaing, son of Dunchu, lord of Cinel Ardghail, died. A year later Congal, son of Eigneach, lord of the Airtheara (the Oriors), was slain at Rath Esclair, by Donnboo, son of Cubreatan.
745 AD – Cathal Maenmaighe, Lord of Ui Maine, died. Blathmhac, son of Coibhdeanach, Lord of Muscraighe, died. Dubhdabhoireann, Lord of Ui Fidhgeinte, died. Anmchaidh, chief of Ui Liathain, died. Fiachra, son of Ailene, lord of Mughdhorna, was killed.
746 AD – Flann grandson of Conghal, Lord of Ui Foilge, died. Fearghus son of Fogartach, Lord of Southern Brega, died. Muirghius son of Fearghus, Lord of the Deisi, died. Flann Foirtrea, Lord of Corco Laigde, died.
747 AD – Conaing Ua Duibhduin, lord of Cairbre Teabhtha, died. Foidmeann, son of Fallach, chief of Conaille Muirtheimhne, died. Flaithbheartach, son of Conall Meann, chief of Cinel Cairbre, died. Flann, son of Ceallach, lord of Muscraighe (Muskerry), died.
749 AD – The battle of Ard Naescan, between the Ui Briuin and Cinel Cairbre, wherein many were slain. Also in this year Flann, son of Conchubhar, lord of Magh Ai, died. The devastation of Fotharta Fea by the men of Osraighe (Ossory). Cathasach, son of Ailell, King of Ulidia, was slain at Rath Bethech.
751 AD – The battle of Bealach Cro was gained by Crimhthann over the Dealbhna of Ui Maine, in which was slain Finn, son of Arbh, Lord of Dealbhna, at Tibra Finn, and the Dealbhna were slaughtered about him. From this are named Lochan Bealaigh Cro, and Tibra Finn. The Ui Maine were contending with them for the cantred between the Suca (the River Suck) and the Sinainn (the River Shannon), for this was called the cantred of Dealbhna.
795 – Raids on the monasteries of Rathlin, Inishmurray and Inishbofin.
797 – Viking attack on Lambay Island, northeast of Dublin City.
798 – Burning of the monastery of St. Patrick’s Island.