So far only approximately 3000-sq. m. of Dankirke has been excavated divided in two areas of investigation Dankirke Øst (East) and Dankirke Vest (West). In the eastern area only one house was excavated (house I) as well as pronounced layers in the area northeast to the house, where there were also many pits and postholes. During the excavation some of these postholes were thought to belong to a construction (house II). In the western area five houses was excavated in part or in total as well as four wells. The houses VIII, IV, III, VII and V (Va and Vb) represent in chronological order the site from pre-roman Iron Age to the Migration period.
Rich and varied finds were located during the excavations, not least from the House V, from where many metal artefacts and types of glass were discovered. The combination of finds has led to the description of Dankirke as a site of prosperity, a rich farm as well as a centre of trade.